Student voice is valued at Mary MacKillop Catholic College so opportunities for leadership, input via surveys and feedback via homeroom, form part of college life. Students are provided with a range of opportunities for leadership both formally and informally.
Year 11 and 12 students can be members of the Executive Senior Leadership Team as the College Captain, College Vice-Captain, Portfolio Captain, Portfolio Vice-Captain, House Captain or House Vice-Captain. Other Year 11 and 12 students can be the captain or vice-captain of each house: Arena, Crosio, Goolagong, Henderson, McCormack or O’Shane or the captain or vice-captain of each portfolio: Faith, Justice, Culture, Wellbeing or Learning.
Students from Year 10 can be leaders of their homeroom. In total, there are 52 leadership positions available to students from Years 10 to 12. Outside of these leadership opportunities, students are encouraged to participate in whole school events and co-curricular activities that develop and enhance their leadership and communication skills.