Our young women are empowered to imagine their potential through a variety of activities which allow them to explore and pursue their passions and interests.

Newman Selective Gifted Education Program
Mary MacKillop Catholic College has been part of the Sydney Catholic School’s Newman Selective Gifted Education program since 2012. During this time, the college has developed practices to support gifted students that have been recognised as ‘best practice’ by experts in the field. These include:
- Professional learning in Gifted Education for all staff
- Pre-testing, compaction and extension
- Identification
- Curriculum differentiation
- Cross-curricular tasks
- Social and emotional program
- Authentic assessment
- Newman Symposium, a celebration of academic achievement

Enrichment Opportunities
Girls have the opportunity to enrich their learning and explore their passions outside of the classroom through debating, environmental stewardship, public speaking, mock trial, academic competitions, social justice, community service and STEM club, yearbook club, youth groups and study groups to name a few. Our girls connect with CaSPA, the dynamic performing arts program of Sydney Catholic Schools.

Creative and Performing Arts
Our Creative and Performing Arts faculty supports our students by providing specialised dedicated teachers to develop and showcase their creative talents. Our College Choir and College Musicians are regularly invited to perform for local events, including at ANZAC Day dawn services and at local shopping centres. Some initiatives include:
- College Choir
- College Musicians/Band
- Recording Studio
- College Drama Productions
- College Musicals
- Dance Troupe

From sport classics such as football and Oztag to European handball and AFL, our girls have a breadth of sporting opportunities to experience and compete in. Gifted sportswomen can pursue their talents through our representative SCC and NSWCCC sport pathway. Other competition sports we offer include netball, swimming, athletics, dance, tennis, cricket and many more.

Youth Ministry and Social Justice
The college is committed to promoting a sense of empathy and care for others in our students. The college Youth Ministry Coordinator provides regular opportunities for all students from years 7 to 12 to pray, discuss and act together to address social justice issues. Youth Ministry initiatives include Courage, FaceTime with God and Vinnies Sandwich Making.

Active Living
We believe that an active life is integral to the development and wellbeing of our students. Our non-competitive sport and active lifestyle experiences include yoga, gardening, self defense, bowling, fitness, power walking and Zumba.